Hire Permanent

Recruitment Services for Permanent Placements

Since its relaunch under the Massachusetts Library System (MLS) in 2012, BiblioTemps has specialized in the recruitment of skilled library workers for short-term and temporary placements in public, academic, and special libraries. BiblioTemps is now offering recruitment services for permanent placements at all library levels. This expansion encompasses a range of positions, from paraprofessionals to experienced professionals. With this service, we plan to address the increasing demands on libraries seeking qualified candidates by alleviating the time constraints faced by library directors and staff.

Streamlining the Hiring Process

Filling permanent positions can be challenging and time consuming. To ease this burden, BiblioTemps is prepared to assist your library in the promotion, recruitment, and screening of candidates. Every library is different, so we will work with you to tailor the process to fit your needs.

To Get Started
  • If you are interested in working with BiblioTemps to fill a permanent position at your library, we will schedule a preliminary planning meeting to determine the ultimate scope of our participation in the recruiting process and to create a mutually agreeable timeline for hiring.
  • Before we can begin recruiting on behalf of your library, we will need to have a signed client agreement on file and a signed addendum for our recruiting services.
  • The total cost of our services will depend on the areas in which you request our assistance. To make this service affordable to the largest number of libraries we will charge an hourly rate and provide a discount for MLS members.
  • If you are interested in a price quote for our permanent hire services, click here to fill out our Permanent Hire Quote Request Form.

For our Recruitment Services rate sheet, please contact our team.

How It Works

BiblioTemps will tailor our services to fit the needs of your library. Our team can provide support during the hiring process in a variety of ways.

Select the areas you would like our assistance, this could include:

Search Preparation

Depending on the needs of the library the BiblioTemps Manager could:

  1. Collect and share sample job descriptions.
  2. Provide sample interview questions.
  3. Develop a rubric for candidate evaluation.
  4. Conduct a survey of staff and/or library leadership to determine the top priorities for your new staff member/position.
  5. Construct a timeline for the applicant search to include search milestones.
Advertisement and Recruitment

BiblioTemps will advertise and recruit candidates for your position by utilizing popular library job boards and our extensive network of library connections within and beyond Massachusetts.

Application Period

BiblioTemps will collect applications for the position, which will include cover letters, resumes, and any other additional application materials required for the position.

Candidate Screening

BiblioTemps will review application materials and perform screening interviews. Candidates who do not meet the minimum requirements for this position will be screened out of the process.

Selecting Final Candidates

BiblioTemps will prepare an evaluation rubric for each candidate to be included with their application materials. These documents will be submitted to the library and can be used to determine which group of candidates should move on to the next round of interviews.


The BiblioTemps Manager will coordinate the scheduling of each round of interviews with candidates and your hiring committee.

Reference Checks

BiblioTemps will conduct reference interviews and provide a copy of the questions and answers for your hiring committee.


BiblioTemps will act as an intermediary during the job offer and negotiation process.

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